부교수 / 디자인학 석사
Sustainable Design, Universal Design. IoT
Good Design(GD). Jury (2016-2020)
PIN UP Design Award. Jury (2015-2017)
Office : 조형관 302호 / Phone : 02-910-4605
Email : ewolfs@kookmin.ac.kr
MA Industrial Design, E.N.S.A.V. La Cambre, Brussels Belgium 라캉브르 국립 시각 예술 대학 공업디자인 학사/ 석사 (브뤼셀, 벨기에)
MA Design Product. Royal College of Art, London UK. 왕립예술대학(RCA) 디자인 프로덕츠 석사 (런던, 영국)
공동디렉터, 아트/디자인 컬렉티브 Wolfs + Jung (2009 - 현)
공동디렉터, 디자인 스튜디오 드로우미어쉽 (벨기에) (2005 - 2008)
스튜디오 총괄디렉터, 국제파운데이션(IFC)과정, 중국 중앙미술대학 (2009 - 2011)
디자인 강의, 중앙미술대학, (중국, 베이징) (2008 - 2009)
산학협력 프로젝트
International Integrated Design Camp "Design Against Pandemic" 한국디자인진흥원 (KIDP) Tutor (2020.08)
International Integrated Design Camp "Towards Inclusivity: Smart and Sustainable Cities" 한국디자인진흥원 (KIDP) Tutor (2019.06)
A qualitative study of the advantages and limitations of integrating downstream Upcycling activities in the undergraduate Industrial Design Curriculum(한국인더스트리얼디자인학회, 2018.12)
Beyond good intentions: questioning the values in upcycling(KSDS Fall International Conference, 2018.11)
Creative Convergent Innovation(17' the International Convergent Seminar, 2017.12)
Developing Rewarding, Safe and Sustainable IoT Product Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial Design Students(한국디자인학회, 2017.2)
Marble 3.0: Past, Present, and Future of a Classical Material(KOFUSO International Fall Conference, 2016.11)
Sustainable Design for the Real World: Educating Designers to Accommodate the Complexity of Human Behaviour(KSID & KIDM Fall International Conference. 2016.11)
Ageist Biases: Identifying and addressing design students' prejudices towards the silver generation(KSDS Spring Conference Proceeding. 2015.5)
Biophilic Design and Bio-Collaboration: Applications and Implications in the Field of Industrial Design(한국디자인학회. 2015.2)
Gwangju Design Biennale. (바우하우스 100주년 기념주제전- "설계된 자연" 2019.09-10)
EMMANUEL WOLFS: IMPOSSIBLE TREES (개인전 021 Gallery. 2019.2-3)
The Salon New York (Tree Study series, hosted by Ammann Gallery. 2018.11)
The Salon Art + Design New York (Recent works by Wolfs +Jung. 2017.11)
PAD LONDON ART+DESIGN(Selected works by Ammann Gallery. 2017.10)
DESIGN MIAMI / BASEL(Selected works by Ammann Gallery. 2017.6)
Collective Design / New York(Tree Study by WOLFS + JUNG. 2017.5)
Design Maimi/ Miami(new works by WOLFS + JUNG. 2016.11)
DESIGN MIAMI / BASEL(Selected works by Ammann Gallery. 2016.6)
Design Maimi/ Miami(WOLFS + JUNG. 2015.12)
The Salon Art + Design New York (Recent works by Wolfs +Jung. 2015.11)
PAD London 2015 (new works by WOLFS+JUNG. 2015.10)
Collective Design Fair(A Voice. 2015.5)
One and Many Chairs(Group Show presenting Ron Arad/ Florian Borkenhagen/ Sebastian errazuriz/ Forrest myers/ Nucleo/ Satyendra pakhale/ Rolf Sachs/ Wolfs+Jung. 2015.01)
수상 및 인증
Special Prize, KSDS International Spring Exhibition, South Korea (2018)
Special Prize, KSDS International Spring Exhibition, South Korea (2014)
‘Park Design Brussels’, shortlisted, Brussels(BEL) (2006)